Farah Jobanputra
I am Farah Jobanputra, a certified Life Span Coach by passion. And a MSc graduate in Logistics and Supply Chain Management from Scotland.
I believe, No one will believe in you, if you don’t believe in yourself. Not everyone will like you or understand you but that’s OKAY! My passion is my business not theirs.
As, a Life Span Coach, I am qualified to provide specific knowledge and skills to train youth and senior clients.
For, youth clients I provide motivation and guidance they require to continue into adulthood, while instilling the value of health and fitness at an early age. For senior clients, I make them feel comfortable while gradually introducing them to the importance of incorporating fitness into their lifestyle.
Being a full-time wife, hands on mother and a Fitness Coach, can be overwhelming. I am extremely proud to be mother of my 2 daughters. However, balancing all these roles can be arduous. But then I pray to maintain my sanity. This is possible only because I give Self-care and Fitness utmost importance in my life. Self-care is not a luxury, its vital to my overall health and happiness as a wife, mother and coach.
Lastly, the only advice I give my clients is to develop a vision and practice disciple. Set tangible goals you can measure and check progress each time you meet.

We specialize in transforming lifestyle for a healthier future. We have a larger social cause to create a chain of spreading awareness about adopting healthy lifestyle in a simple manner.
Get in Touch
ChiFit, 2nd floor, Sai Gaurav, A wing, opposite sai baba mandir, Sai chowk, khadakpada, Kalyan West 421301